Monday, July 14, 2008

Technology In Music Education

Well, I couldn't find two of the four articles posted, I don't know if anyone had a problem with that or not, but I'll just talk about the two articles I read and I also just wanted to make a few comments about the article Strategies for Teaching: Technology article that I read and didn't really post about on the pb wiki.

The two articles I could read was the one in the TI:ME and the other was the one that Dr. Walls wrote for TI:ME. Both these articles informed me on some ways to integrate technology into my curriculum. Something I really appreciated about the article written by Dr. Walls was how she emphasized the fact about when starting to integrate technology into the classroom, you should really just start with one thing. I thought that was a really helpful bit of information, because it is very easy to get overwhelmed with the technology if you do not feel technologically saavy or if you are working with a budget and thinking about using all the technology equipment can be intimidating. The way the article was set up though really put me at ease and made me realize I use technology a lot more than I realized.

Looking at the aritcle talking about basic skills in using technology, I realized that it is important to critque the web material that you want to use in your classroom. The same way that we have done research and article critiques, you must also look at technology in the same fashion. I also thought the pages set up for the critiques were very helpful.

Something I know I will use in the future is the MENC article that talked about different strategies for incoporating technology into your program. These were all really great ideas that incorporated the National Standards and also seemed to be ideas that were comprehensive and activities students, parents, and even other teachers would enjoy. Many of these ideas could also work towards promoting advocacy towards your program by showing administrators how technology can be incorporated in the arts and many "real life" skills can be learned through also learning music!


Kim Walls said...

Good. Hope you can read the other two articles now.

Kim Walls said...

Good for you! You cropped the image.