Monday, July 21, 2008

Looping and Editing Software

Using looping and editing software can be a great tool to use as a teacher and in the class. It allows students to be creative and compose, which is also meeting a MENC National Standard and you can also edit previously recorded work. This can allow students to be creative and also allow them to have a more critical ear (evaluating and analyzing performances...another standard). Some tools that I have used is the Abelton software that was discussed in class today. I had fun with this but it can be overwhelming. The Super Dooper Music Looper is a great tool, too-especially for the younger children. However when I was playing with the software some tonight, I noticed the loops don't always line up, and there was no way to quantitize it, at least on the trial software. Overall, this could be utilized in the classroom in many ways, and I know it would appeal to a lot of students.

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