Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Software Evaluation Podcast

Hi all!
  • I reccomend downloading these handouts so you can view the text in my screen shots. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment!


Jonathan Rester said...


Good review of Guitar made easy. It is very good that your start the podcast off by telling the listener that this software program is part of a larger collection. As someone who would possibly be interested in purchasing the software it allows you to know that there is room to expand upon the one program. I also really appreciate that you point out some of the downfalls of the program. Knowing that the tuner does not work well enables the purchaser to buy one if needed before they get into the program and learn to tune their guitar wrong.

Another very helpful aspect of the program that you pointed out is that it teaches you to restring your guitar. As a guitar player, I know that this can be a very daunting task to the new guitar player. Having diagrams AND video would be very helpful in theaching the new student how to restring their guitar.

Susan Reynolds said...


It's nice to know that there are more volumes and this program is only one part of a larger series. It's also nice to get the perspective of a beginner regarding beginner level software.

The only shortcoming I can see besides the tuner is that performance evaluation software only really works when the student has access to a computer and the internet at home. My students don't, so that aspect would not work for me. I like that the fretboard is interactive and that the finger positions move according to the chord progression. I have an applied music class in which students want to learn guitar. Not being a guitar player myself, this program could prove very useful.

Diana said...

This looks like a really useful program. I've always been interested in learning guitar and this could be a good way to start. I always have students ask me about learning guitar. I could recommend this program.

I like how the instructor includes videos along with animated fretting and notation. It is a shame the tuner isn't as good as the rest of the program. Tuning a guitar is the most important lesson to learn.

I enjoyed your review.

Dustin G. White said...

Great job as always! This tool would be great in our guitar methods class. Even though we found some great websites, this program blows those free site away. I would like to learn how to play and analyze guitar music better, so your review was really helpful for me...I might even think about buying the program. The tuner in your program is the same in my piano methods program, and I agree that they do not work very well. Your pdf was great, and the podcast was not boring. Great Job!

-war eagle

Mr. Justin Norton said...


You did a great job of going in depth to explain the ins and outs of Guitar made easy. I agree with others that it is helpful to know that this program is part of a series. Not only did you give us the high points of the software, but you pointed out weaknesses as well. Great work on the handouts. They were very detailed, but easy to follow. Good job.


Dan said...

Great Job on your review of Guitar made easy. It was very informative and in depth. It sounds like it can be a good resource for a beginning guitar or a general music class.


Laurie Shearer said...

Hi Allison,
This software sounds like it would be excellent for someone like me who has had guitar lessons and needs a review and practice. It seems that you get your moneys worth with the 85 levels offered. I will consider this--my studetns would be thrilled if I brushed up my guitar skills.
Thank you
Laurie Shearer

Mr. T said...

Good job on your review. Sounds like a program that would be really helpful to those of us who are attempting to learn guitar this summer. I like the idea of the interactive fretboard as well as being able to recording yourself. Your pdf was put together very well and was informational. I think this is something I may check out myself.


Sherry L. Francis said...

Great work! I posted comments on my blog.
-Sherry Francis